In April, both runways will be closed at Bratislava Airport

M.R.Štefánik airport in Bratislava, BTS/LZIB

The airport of M. R. Štefánik in Bratislava will be closed from 21 April to 1 May 2020 due to reconstruction of the runway intersection. No flights will be made at Bratislava Airport during this period.

Both airport runways (runway 04-22 and runway 13-31) were redesigned in the 1980s with a lifetime of approximately 30 years. Nowadays, they already require reconstruction, which the airport is gradually doing in stages for the fourth consecutive year. While part of one of the runways has been reconstructed over the past years, operating flights from the other runway, since 21.April to 1st of May of this year, it is planned to reconstruct the part of the runway where both runways cross. For this reason, the airport will be closed for all arrivals and departures, only heliports and apron will be in operation.


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